September 27, 2014

Colors in Chinese 顏色

Listening - Lesson 2 Story

第二課 說故事:鳥媽媽的蛋不見了

Copyright© MZHY Editors Group 美洲華語

September 25, 2014

Enrichment: Measure Words

Measure Words (量詞):  

1. 她有一 (duo3) 花。She has a flower.

2. 我有兩(zhi1) 狗。 I have two dogs.

3.妹妹喝了一 (bei1)牛奶。“Little sister” drank one cup of milk. 

4. 媽媽給我五 (ge) 包子。Mom gives me five buns.

5. 弟弟要吃一 (tiao2) 麵包。“Little brother" wants to eat a loaf of bread.

6. 哥哥養九 (tou2) 牛。"Big brother"is raising nine heads of cattle.

September 24, 2014

Game - Lesson 2 part 2 phrases

Practice matching Pinyin with Chinese phrases.
For laptop/computers only. Game duration: approx. 3 min.


September 22, 2014

Combined characters 合起來的生字

Recording Homework: Lesson 2

請用以下的線上錄音機或任何智慧型手機的錄音軟体(i.e. Voice Memos, Voice Recorder, etc.) 錄第二課課文“小羊要吃花兒"

主旨請寫上學生姓名及"Lesson 2"email 給老師。

Please use the online recording tool below or any other voice recording tools on your smartphone(i.e. Voice Memos, Voice Recorder, etc.)  to record Lesson 2 text from pages 16-17. 

Type in your child's name and "Lesson 2" as the subject heading and email to your teacher. 

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